The Gemini Dog Blog

Doggie Daycare Goes High Tech

Posted by Michelle Borelli on Wed, Apr 27, 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Baxter checking in on the dogs in playgroupBaxter here has been busy on the laptop!

Gemini Dogs is pleased to announce that we are officially going high-tech.

We recently purchased a new software management system called Kennel Connection to help us better manage our increasing doggie daycare client base, and we are really excited about all the benefits it will provide you.

Keychain Tags

  • You will be provided with two keychain tags per dog. Place one on your keychain, and the other on your spouse/partner’s keychain.
  • Each dog you own will have his/her own tag.
  • Each time you come in to either drop off or pick up your dog, you will simply place your tag under our barcode scanner, and the computer will automatically check your dog in/out and record the exact time that he/she arrived or departed.
  • There will be no doubt when your dog was here for a half-day versus a full day of daycare, helping us to ensure that we are accurately charging you for your dog’s visit.
  • The system will also enable us to bill you accurately for boarding visits, including the appropriate charge for the last day of your dog’s stay (the charge that is based upon your check out time).
  • Don’t worry, if you forget your dog’s tag, we will still be able to check him in using an additional card that will be kept on file here.


  • We can calculate your amount due automatically; no more waiting for us to add up your boarding invoice, and no math errors to correct after the fact!
  • We will automatically debit your daycare package and receive a warning when you are getting close to the end of your package days; it will track negative days as well, so if you miss a payment, it will automatically deduct the previously used package days from your account when you make the next payment.


  • The details of your dog’s stay will be recorded in the software, and saved for future use. Once we enter the feeding/medication instructions for one visit, they will remain in the system for your next visit. These details can be updated as needed.

Credit Card Processing

  • No more filling out paper-based credit card authorization forms. Save time by swiping your credit card at the terminal.
  • We can process your credit card payments on site, while you are here, and provide you with a receipt for the charge.
  • We will no longer manually process your card, so the charges will be immediate and you will know exactly what you are paying for each time, without having to ask.
  • Information is stored securely in the software, under password protection and in an encrypted format, so your data is safe and secure. If you happen to forget your credit card at some point, we can still process a payment manually. (We prefer to swipe the card; it saves us the additional processing fees if we can submit the payment via the physical presence of the card.)

We will have more updates for you in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

Topics: Doggie Daycare, high tech, littleton