Group Class Schedule

With the exception of agility classes which meet through the agility entrance, all classes are held through the training entrance (see map here). Pre-Agility meets through the training entrance, not the agility entrance.

Please note, for Dog Sport classes, "FULL" may mean that spots are being saved for the current session's students to continue on. If you are already in an agility class and you see "FULL" under the next session of the same class, one of those spots is reserved for you unless you have told us otherwise.

Class Day & Time Start Date
Puppy Preschool (AKC STAR Puppy) w/ Cara Mon 6:00pm 2/10/25
Puppy Preschool (AKC STAR Puppy) w/ Cara Mon 7:00pm 2/24/25
Beginner Obedience w/ Mich Tue 10:30am 1/28/25 FULL 
Beginner Obedience w/ Michelle Tue 7:00pm 1/28/25 FULL
Beginner Obedience w/ Michelle Wed 5:00pm 2/5/25 FULL
Beginner Obedience w/ Michelle Wed 7:00pm 2/12/25
Beginner Obedience w/ Michelle
Tue 5:00pm 2/25/25
Beginner Obedience w/ Michelle Fri 4:15pm 2/28/25
Beginner Obedience w/ Michelle Tue 7:00pm 3/18/25
Beginner Obedience w/ Michelle
Wed 6:00pm 3/26/25
Beginner Obedience for Reactive Dogs w/ Michelle & Mich Tue 2:30pm TBD
Intermediate Obedience w/ Michelle Wed 6:00pm 2/5/25 
Intermediate Obedience w/ Michelle Tue 6:00pm 2/18/25 FULL 
Intermediate Obedience w/ Michelle Wed 5:00pm 3/26/25
Intermediate Obedience w/ Michelle Tue 6:00pm 4/1/25
Beginner Agility I w/ Sarah Wed 5:10pm 2/12/25 
Beginner Agility II w/ Sarah Wed 4:00pm 2/12/25  
Beginner Agility III w/ Maureen Wed 8:30pm 2/5/25 FULL
Intermediate Agility w/ Alicia Thu 11:00am 1/16/25 FULL
Intermediate Agility w/ Alicia Thu 5:50pm 1/16/25 FULL
Intermediate Agility w/ Maureen Fri 9:30am 1/17/25   FULL
Intermediate Agility w/ Cara Wed 11:00am 1/22/25 FULL
Intermediate Agility w/ Alicia Mon 5:50pm 1/27/24 FULL
Intermediate Agility w/ Alicia Thu 4:00pm 1/30/25 FULL
Intermediate Agility w/ Maureen  Wed 6:20pm 2/5/25 
Intermediate Agility w/ Cara Tue 5:50pm 1/7/25 FULL
Intermediate Agility w/ Cara Tue 8:10pm 1/7/25 FULL
Recreational Agility (Intermediate)  w/ Sarah Fri 4:30pm 1/17/25 FULL
Recreational Agility (Intermediate) w/ Sarah Fri 3:15pm 1/24/25
Adv. Handling Agility w/ Alicia Thu 7:00pm 1/16/25 FULL
Adv. Handling Agility w/ Alicia Thu 9:30am 1/16/25 FULL
Adv. Handling Agility w/ Alicia Mon 7:00pm 1/27/25 FULL
Adv. Handling Agility w/ Alicia Mon 8:10pm 1/27/25 FULL
Adv. Handling Agility w/ Cara Tue 7:00pm 1/7/25 FULL
Adv. Competition Agility w/ Maureen Wed 7:30pm 1/15/25 FULL
Adv. Competition Agility w/ Alicia Thu 8:10pm 1/16/25 FULL
Rally Novice w/ Michelle Thu 5:00pm 2/20/25 
Rally Drop-Ins (Advanced/Excellent) w/ Michelle Thu 6:10pm Ongoing
Impulse Control Workshop TBD TBD
Confidence Building Workshop TBD TBD

Don't see the class you want at a time that works for you?

Fill out the below form to be added to a waitlist.