Dog Sports
We offer a variety of Dog Sport classes at Gemini Dogs
Class Descriptions
Agility Class Descriptions
Puppy Agility - For puppies 6 months to 1 year of age. Introduce your puppy to the world of agility. Includes training in motivational gaming, confidence-building, and basic handling skills. Prerequisites: Beginner Obedience or Instructor Approval.
Beginner Agility I (Intro to Agility) - Come to class ready to have some fun learning about agility with your dog. We start working on getting the dogs comfortable on equipment and on handling exercises with single obstacles. Puppies over 9 months are welcome - if your dog is under 16 months of age, jumps will be kept below hock height and we will not work on any regular contact equipment or weave poles (puppies can still work planks, tippy boards, handling, motivation, etc.) You will learn fundamental exercises to prepare for a career in agility. Includes training in motivational gaming, confidence-building, and basic handling skills. Prerequisites: Intermediate Obedience.
Beginner Agility II - This class continues where Beginner I Agility left off. This class is designed to be repeated. Prerequisites: Puppy Agility or Beginner I Agility.
Beginner Agility III - This class continues where Beginner II Agility left off. Learning new handling skills, getting all equipment to competition level, working on obstacle performance criteria, learning how to read an agility map, and analyze and run short sequences. This class is designed to be repeated. Dogs stay at this level for a while.
Recreational Agility (Beginner II - Intermediate Level) - For teams that are not necessarily looking to compete and just want to run low-pressure beginner & intermediate level courses for fun and exercise. Prerequisite: Beginner III Agility or Instructor Permission.
Intermediate Agility - Dogs must have completed Beginner I, II, & III Agility classes. We work full sequences and equipment at this level of agility. This class is designed to be repeated. Dogs stay at this level for a while.
Advanced Handling Agility - Focuses on learning more advanced handling skills and preparing for competition, analyzing maps, and some Dogs at this level are running full courses and practicing a variety of agility handling concepts. This class is designed to be repeated.
Advanced Competition Agility - Complex handling skills, competition strategies, course analysis, and Excellent/Master level course work. Dogs at this level are running full courses and actively competing in the sport. This class is designed to be repeated.
Rally Class Descriptions
Rally Novice - Rally obedience is a sport in which dog and handler move through a numbered course. Depending on the level, there can be anywhere from 12-24 stations. Each station consists of a pace change, a stationary skill (such as a sit, down or stand), or a moving skill (serpentine through cones, 360 degree turn left, finish, about turns, etc…).
This course introduces you to the sport of rally and the skills needed to succeed. Even if you aren't interested in competition, it is a nice class to take for perfecting basic obedience and heeling skills. This class will begin to work on Novice-level Rally courses and the associated skills. Prerequisites: Intermediate Obedience or Instructor Permission.
This course introduces you to the sport of rally and the skills needed to succeed. Even if you aren't interested in competition, it is a nice class to take for perfecting basic obedience and heeling skills. This class will begin to work on Novice-level Rally courses and the associated skills. Prerequisites: Intermediate Obedience or Instructor Permission.
Rally Intermediate - This class works on Intermediate-level Rally courses and the associated skills. Prerequisites: Rally Novice or Instructor Permission.
Rally Advanced- This class works on Advanced-level Rally courses and the associated skills. Prerequisites: Rally Intermediate or Instructor Permission.
Competition Rally Prep - This class aims at preparing teams for competing in Rally. Instructor Permission required.