Our Facility

How to Find Us

Click here to find our facility on Google Maps. Please note, we have separate entrances for our different services. Please see the maps and information below to help you find the right entrance.

From Route 2A, turn onto Distribution Center Drive and take the very first right. From there, you will either take an immediate left for our Daycare/Boarding/Grooming/University building, or an immediate right for Training and Events.

  • For Daycare, Boarding, and Grooming, please use the Daycare Entrance.
  • For University and general Class Placement Evaluations, please check in through the Daycare Entrance.
  • For all non-Agility group classes, please use the Training Entrance.
  • For Agility classes and Agility Class Placements, please use the Agility Entrance.
  • For private lessons, unless specified otherwise by your instructor, please use the Training Entrance.
valentine (5)
DaycareBoarding GroomingUniversity